SDZ-II Nerve and Muscle Stimulator as a kind of TENS, EMS devices, may be used to apply low frequency pulse electrical current to stimulate the acupoints of human body through electrodes on a patient’s skin to treat pain.
Hwato electro-acupuncture instrument is also widely used in clinical internal and external, gynecology, dermatology, ophthalmology, ENT, orthopedics and traumatology and other system diseases, especially for common diseases such as migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral facial nerve palsy , Sciatica, toothache, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, contusion, muscle strain, acute stomach pain, dysmenorrhea, constipation, diarrhea, renal colic, biliary colic, acute appendicitis, acute tonsillitis, and herpes zoster have significant effects .
Working mode:
Continuous Wave: Continuously.
Intermittent Wave: interval time between Continuous Wave groups 15 sec, duration time of Continuous Wave 5 sec.
Distant-dense Wave: frequency of distant wave is one fifth of the frequency of dense wave, the duration time of distant wave 5 secretary, the duration time of dense wave 10 sec.
Output current: <10mA (Load 250Ω)
Output DC amount: 0
Output pulse width: 0.2ms±30% (EMC TEST)
Volume: 360mmx255mmx95mm
Weight: 1.4kg
Before use, all buttons need to be turned off, otherwise the device cannot be started.
Packing list:
1 X SDZ-II Main machine
6 X Output wire
6 X Self-adhesive electrode
1 X Power adapter
1 X English Manual
6 X Metal clip
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